So, what is wellness all about, and how do you become truly well, if you aren’t already?

First, wellness can be divided into the following 8 different categories. Just because you may be in great physical shape, doesn’t mean you are whole in terms of being completely well. Most people struggle with some sort of health weakness. Which one or ones challenge your health and wellness journey to holistic wellness?

  • Physical wellness – Which includes heart health, eyesight health, bone health, skin, nail and hair health, digestive health, and brain health. If you struggle to obtain and keep healthy in any of these physical areas, you are not well.

  • Emotional Wellness – Asks the question, how are you handling stress and anxiety? Are you depressed, nervous, burnt out, frustrated, suicidal, always angry, hateful and mean-spirited towards others.

  • Social and Relational Wellness – Are you comfortable being around other people – same sex and opposite sex, and engaging in healthy conversations? Do you have friends? Do you participate in social activities and outings such as attending church, sporting events, plays, movies, concerts, etc., and hosting events at your home or office?

  • Mental Wellness – Are you mentally stable? Have you been diagnosed with a mental disorder, such as Bi-polar – Schizophrenia, Chemical depression, Alcoholism, Drug addiction, etc.

  • Spiritual Wellness – Do you have a God-inspired purpose for your life that centers on pleasing God and helping others.

  • Financial Wellness – Do you pay your bills on time, are you in debt, are you living from paycheck to paycheck, are you borrowing from Peter to pay Paul? Do you have an updated Will? Do you have a sizeable emergency fund? Are you saving money? Are you financially savvy? Are you a compulsive shopper or gambler? Do you realize that your financial health affects your physical and spiritual health?

  • Environment Wellness- By adopting eco-friendly practices, we contribute to a healthier environment and enhance our overall well-being.

Spending time with nature can help improve our mental health, reduce stress, and increase overall happiness.

  • Vocational Wellness – Do you have a plan for your life that involves a career, employment, and lifestyle?

Gail Dixon-McBride Gail Dixon-McBride

Here’s to Your Health!

Did you know that there are certain foods you can eat to help lower your blood pressure, naturally? It’s True!

Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

The following 10 foods are just a handful of healthy, nutritious fruits, herbs, spices and vegetables that will get you started in helping to lower your high blood pressure, naturally. In addition, you should combine these foods with a healthy life-style, which includes: walking at least 30 - 45 minutes each day, getting between 7-8 hours of sleep per night, reducing stress and relaxing, monitoring your portion sizes during each meal, and of course, not smoking or doing any type of recreation drugs, etc.

  1. Fresh Ginger - A study in more than 4,000 people found that those who consumed the most ginger — 2–4 grams per day — had the lowest risk of developing high blood pressure.

  2. Celery - Eat 2 - 4 short stalks - chopped, per day.

  3. Purple Potatoes - One medium purple potato a day.

  4. Fresh Garlic - Use it to flavor many foods. It has powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

  5. Green Apples such as Granny Smith - The pectin found in these tart green apples helps lower LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) and promotes healthy blood pressures.

  6. Onions- Cook with them to flavor many foods.

  7. Bananas - This fruit is packed full of potassium — an important blood pressure-lowering mineral. Potassium helps balance sodium in the body.

  8. Watermelon - Research has found that the nutrients in watermelon reduce blood pressure and improve circulation to support heart health.

  9. Dark Chocolate - Researchers found that participants who ate 25 g of dark chocolate daily for 8 weeks had significantly lower blood pressure than those who ate the same quantity of white chocolate.

  10. Raisins - Raisins are packed with potassium, which is known to lower blood pressure. Eat a handful a day!

  11. Avocados - The monounsaturated fatty acids in avocados may be beneficial in preventing chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular disease.

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